Structure, dynamique et fonction des biomolécules par RMN


Calculation of sequence specific protein solvent accessibilities in the unfolded ensemble

Estrada, J., Bernadó, P., Blackledge, M., and Sancho, J. (2009). ProtSA: a web application for calculating sequence specific protein solvent accessibilities in the unfolded ensemble. BMC Bioinformatics, 10, 104. URL

Bernadó, P., Blackledge, M., and Sancho, J. (2006). Sequence-specific solvent accessibilities of protein residues in unfolded protein ensembles. Biophysical Journal, 91, 4536–4543. URL


A protein-protein complex structure by SAXS and computational docking

B Jiménez-García, C Pons, DI. Svergun, P Bernadó and J Fernández-Recio.
Nucleic Acids Research 2015; doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv368


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Automatic detection of diffusion modes within biological membranes using backpropagation neural network

Dosset P., Rassam P., Fernandez L., Espenel C., Rubinstein E., Margeat E. and Milhiet P.E. ( 2016 ) BMC Bioinformatics ( in press )
