Service |
Correlative AFM with Super-Resolution, TIRF or Confocal/FLIM
Goal |
Correlate biomolecules activity observed by Fluorescence (Epi and TIRF), Super Resolution Microscopy (PALM/STORM) or Confocal and Fluorescence Spectroscopy (FLIM, FRET, FCS) with the associated sample topology and mechanics observed by AFM. |
Our two fluorescence-AFM correlative setups are mounted on top of Zeiss inverted microscopes. Fast AFM imaging (1 frame in few seconds) can be performed simultaneously with the fluorescence microscopy operation. |
Amphiphatic Lipid Packing Sensors (ALPS, left), and DOPE (Rhodamin marked, center) TIRF image correlated with the AFM image of the model membrane + biomolecules on the right. Scan size = 10 µm. |
Equipement |
Correlative AFM with Super-Resolution Fluorescence, TIRF and EPI
Correlative AFM with Fluorescence Spectroscopy