The CBS researchers are actively participating in the following networks :
International networks :
GDR International “Physics of Living Systems”(Emmanuel Margeat, CBS, national coordinator)
Eurobioimaging, the European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences
NGP-NET : COST-action on Non-globular Proteins
EpigeneSys: European Network of Excellence in Epigenomics.
- SPM2.0: Marie Curie Skłodowska Innovative Training Network "Scanning Probe Microscopes"
National networks :
GDR 3545 " G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR)”
GDR 2588 “Microscopie et imagerie du vivant”
GDR 3696 « Protéines membranaires »
GDR Celltiss « Physique de la cellule au tissu »
GDR ADN « Architecture et dynamique nucleaire »
GDR 3R « Replication, repair, recombination »
France Bio Imaging, National Infrastructure in the field of biological imaging
FRISBI, National Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology
Canceropole Grand Sud-ouest (GSO)
- RéNaFoBIS: Réseau National de Formation en Biologie Structurale Intégrative
Local networks :
MUSE, Montpellier Université d'ecellence. Pôle de Recherche Biologie-Santé
- BioCampus Montpellier, Unité Mixte de Service