Emmanuel Margeat
Structure et Dynamique d’Assemblages Membranaires
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Liste des publications
Concerted conformational changes control metabotropic glutamate receptor activity
Lecat-Guillet N, Quast RB, Liu H, Bourrier E, Moller TC, Rovira X, Soldevila S, Lamarque L, Trinquet E, Liu J, Pin JP, Rondard P, Margeat E, Sci Adv, 2023
Assembly mechanism and cryoEM structure of RecA recombination nucleofilaments from Streptococcus pneumoniae
Hertzog M, Perry TN, Dupaigne P, Serres S, Morales V, Soulet AL, Bell JC, Margeat E, Kowalczykowski SC, Le Cam E, Fronzes R, Polard P, Nucleic Acids Res, 2023
Reliability and accuracy of single-molecule FRET studies for characterization of structural dynamics and distances in proteins
Agam G, Gebhardt C, Popara M, Machtel R, Folz J, Ambrose B, Chamachi N, Chung SY, Craggs TD, de Boer M, Grohmann D, Ha T, Hartmann A, Hendrix J, Hirschfeld V, Hubner CG, Hugel T, Kammerer D, Kang HS, Kapanidis AN, Krainer G, Kramm K, Lemke EA, Lerner E, Margeat E, Martens K, Michaelis J, Mitra J, Moya Munoz GG, Quast RB, Robb NC, Sattler M, Schlierf M, Schneider J, Schroeder T, Sefer A, Tan PS, Thurn J, Tinnefeld P, van Noort J, Weiss S, Wendler N, Zijlstra N, Barth A, Seidel CAM, Lamb DC, Cordes T, Nat Methods, 2023
Viro-fluidics: Real-time analysis of virus production kinetics at the single-cell level
Eid J, Socol M, Naillon A, Feuillard J, Ciandrini L, Margeat E, Charlot B, Mougel M, Biophys Rep (N Y), 2022
A modular spring-loaded actuator for mechanical activation of membrane proteins
Mills A, Aissaoui N, Maurel D, Elezgaray J, Morvan F, Vasseur JJ, Margeat E, Quast RB, Lai-Kee-Him J, Saint N, Benistant C, Nord A, Pedaci F, Bellot G, Nat Commun, 2022
Cryo-EM structure of transcription termination factor Rho from Mycobacterium tuberculosis reveals bicyclomycin resistance mechanism
Saridakis E, Vishwakarma R, Lai-Kee-Him J, Martin K, Simon I, Cohen-Gonsaud M, Coste F, Bron P, Margeat E, Boudvillain M, Commun Biol, 2022
Allosteric modulators enhance agonist efficacy by increasing the residence time of a GPCR in the active state
Cao AM, Quast RB, Fatemi F, Rondard P, Pin JP, Margeat E, Nat Commun, 2021
Single-molecule FRET on its way to structural biology in live cells
Quast RB, Margeat E, Nat Methods, 2021
FRET-based dynamic structural biology: Challenges, perspectives and an appeal for open-science practices
Lerner E, Barth A, Hendrix J, Ambrose B, Birkedal V, Blanchard SC, Borner R, Sung Chung H, Cordes T, Craggs TD, Deniz AA, Diao J, Fei J, Gonzalez RL, Gopich IV, Ha T, Hanke CA, Haran G, Hatzakis NS, Hohng S, Hong SC, Hugel T, Ingargiola A, Margeat E, Joo C, Kapanidis AN, Kim HD, Laurence T, Lee NK, Lee TH, Lemke EA, Michaelis J, Michalet X, Myong S, Nettels D, Peulen TO, Ploetz E, Razvag Y, Robb NC, Schuler B, Soleimaninejad H, Tang C, Vafabakhsh R, Lamb DC, Seidel CA, Weiss S, Elife, 2021
Author Correction: Synchronous, Crosstalk-free Correlative AFM and Confocal Microscopies/Spectroscopies
Fernandes TFD, Saavedra-Villanueva O, Margeat E, Milhiet PE, Costa L, Sci Rep, 2020
Synchronous, Crosstalk-free Correlative AFM and Confocal Microscopies/Spectroscopies
Fernandes TFD, Saavedra O, Margeat E, Milhiet PE, Costa L, Sci Rep, 2020
Studying GPCR conformational dynamics by single molecule fluorescence
Quast RB, Margeat E, Mol Cell Endocrinol, 2019
Accurate Determination of Human CPR Conformational Equilibrium by smFRET using Dual Orthogonal Non-Canonical Amino Acid Labeling
Quast RB, Fatemi F, Kranendonk M, Margeat E, Truan G, Chembiochem, 2019
A fluorogenic assay to monitor Rho-dependent termination of transcription
Nadiras C, Delaleau M, Schwartz A, Margeat E, Boudvillain M, Biochemistry, 2019
Chloride ions stabilize the glutamate-induced active state of the metabotropic glutamate receptor 3
Tora AS, Rovira X, Cao AM, Cabaye A, Olofsson L, Malhaire F, Scholler P, Baik H, Van Eeckhaut A, Smolders I, Rondard P, Margeat E, Acher F, Pin JP, Goudet C, Neuropharmacology, 2018
Oligomerization of a G protein-coupled receptor in neurons controlled by its structural dynamics
Mller TC, Hottin J, Clerte C, Zwier JM, Durroux T, Rondard P, Prezeau L, Royer CA, Pin JP, Margeat E, Kniazeff J, Sci Rep, 2018
Single-molecule analysis reveals the mechanism of transcription activation in
Vishwakarma RK, Cao AM, Morichaud Z, Perumal AS, Margeat E, Brodolin K, Sci Adv, 2018
Plasmonic Nanoantennas Enable Forbidden Forster Dipole-Dipole Energy Transfer and Enhance the FRET Efficiency
de Torres J, Mivelle M, Moparthi SB, Rigneault H, van Hulst NF, Garcia-Parajo MF, Margeat E, Wenger J, Nano Lett, 2016
Imaging HIV-1 RNA dimerization in cells by multicolor super-resolution and fluctuation microscopies
Ferrer M, Clerte C, Chamontin C, Basyuk E, Laine S, Hottin J, Bertrand E, Margeat E, Mougel M, Nucleic Acids Res, 2016
Optimisation of vectorisation property: a comparative study for a secondary amphipathic peptide
Konate K, Lindberg M, Vaissiere A, Jourdan C, Aldrian G, Margeat E, Deshayes S, Boisguerin P, Int J Pharm, 2016
Automatic detection of diffusion modes within biological membranes using back-propagation neural network
Dosset P, Rassam P, Fernandez L, Espenel C, Rubinstein E, Margeat E, Milhiet PE, BMC Bioinformatics, 2016
Single-Molecule FRET Characterization of RNA Remodeling Induced by an Antitermination Protein
Ait-Bara S, Clerte C, Margeat E, Methods Mol Biol, 2015
Direct observation of the translocation mechanism of transcription termination factor Rho
Gocheva V, Le Gall A, Boudvillain M, Margeat E, Nollmann M, Nucleic Acids Res, 2015
Fine tuning of sub-millisecond conformational dynamics controls metabotropic glutamate receptors agonist efficacy
Olofsson L, Felekyan S, Doumazane E, Scholler P, Fabre L, Zwier JM, Rondard P, Seidel CA, Pin JP, Margeat E, Nat Commun, 2014
The RNA-mediated, asymmetric ring regulatory mechanism of the transcription termination Rho helicase decrypted by time-resolved Nucleotide Analog Interference Probing (trNAIP)
Soares E, Schwartz A, Nollmann M, Margeat E, Boudvillain M, Nucleic Acids Res, 2014
Chromatin Insulator Factors Involved in Long-Range DNA Interactions and Their Role in the Folding of the Drosophila Genome
Vogelmann J, Le Gall A, Dejardin S, Allemand F, Gamot A, Labesse G, Cuvier O, Negre N, Cohen-Gonsaud M, Margeat E, Nollmann M, PLoS Genet, 2014
SpoIIIE mechanism of directional translocation involves target search coupled to sequence-dependent motor stimulation
Cattoni DI, Chara O, Godefroy C, Margeat E, Trigueros S, Milhiet PE, Nollmann M, EMBO Rep, 2013
Competitive folding of anti-terminator/terminator hairpins monitored by single molecule FRET
Clerte C, Declerck N, Margeat E, Nucleic Acids Res, 2013
Negative regulation of estrogen signaling by ERbeta and RIP140 in ovarian cancer cells
Docquier A, Garcia A, Savatier J, Boulahtouf A, Bonnet S, Bellet V, Busson M, Margeat E, Jalaguier S, Royer C, Balaguer P, Cavailles V, Mol Endocrinol, 2013
Recruitment, assembly, and molecular architecture of the SpoIIIE DNA pump revealed by superresolution microscopy
Fiche JB, Cattoni DI, Diekmann N, Langerak JM, Clerte C, Royer CA, Margeat E, Doan T, Nollmann M, PLoS Biol, 2013
Pulsed interleaved excitation fluorescence spectroscopy with a supercontinuum source
Olofsson L, Margeat E, Opt Express, 2013
Structural insight into the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv0020c protein and its interaction with the PknB kinase
Roumestand C, Leiba J, Galophe N, Margeat E, Padilla A, Bessin Y, Barthe P, Molle V, Cohen-Gonsaud M, Structure, 2011
Mutagenesis-based evidence for an asymmetric configuration of the ring-shaped transcription termination factor Rho
Rabhi M, Gocheva V, Jacquinot F, Lee A, Margeat E, Boudvillain M, J Mol Biol, 2011
Keeping up to speed with the transcription termination factor Rho motor
Boudvillain M, Nollmann M, Margeat E, Transcription, 2010
HIV-1 assembly differentially alters dynamics and partitioning of tetraspanins and raft components
Krementsov DN, Rassam P, Margeat E, Roy NH, Schneider-Schaulies J, Milhiet PE, Thali M, Traffic, 2010
Transfert d'energie de Forster sur molecules uniques : applications en biologie
Margeat E, L'Actualite Chimique, 2010
Dynamic Partitioning of a Glycosyl-Phosphatidylinositol-Anchored Protein in Glycosphingolipid-Rich Microdomains Imaged by Single-Quantum Dot Tracking
Pinaud F, Michalet X, Iyer G, Margeat E, Moore HP, Weiss S, Traffic, 2009
A stepwise 2'-hydroxyl activation mechanism for the bacterial transcription termination factor Rho helicase
Schwartz A, Rabhi M, Jacquinot F, Margeat E, Rahmouni AR, Boudvillain M, Nat Struct Mol Biol, 2009
Investigating transcriptional regulation by fluorescence spectroscopy, from traditional methods to state-of-the-art single-molecule approaches
Zorrilla S, Lillo MP, Chaix D, Margeat E, Royer CA, Declerck N, Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2008
Single-molecule analysis of CD9 dynamics and partitioning reveals multiple modes of interaction in the tetraspanin web
Espenel C, Margeat E, Dosset P, Arduise C, Le Grimellec C, Royer CA, Boucheix C, Rubinstein E, Milhiet PE, J Cell Biol, 2008
Quantitative analysis of the binding of ezrin to large unilamellar vesicles containing phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate
Blin G, Margeat E, Carvalho K, Royer CA, Roy C, Picart C, Biophys J, 2008
The Characterization of Bio-molecular Interactions Using Fluorescence Fluctuation Techniques
Margeat E, Boukari, H., Royer, C.A., Protein Reviews, 2007
Transcription termination factor Rho can displace streptavidin from biotinylated RNA
Schwartz A, Margeat E, Rahmouni AR, Boudvillain M, J Biol Chem, 2007
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate acts both as an inducer and as a structural cofactor of the central glycolytic genes repressor (CggR)
Zorrilla S, Chaix D, Ortega A, Alfonso C, Doan T, Margeat E, Rivas G, Aymerich S, Declerck N, Royer CA, Biochemistry, 2007
Inducer-modulated cooperative binding of the tetrameric CggR repressor to operator DNA
Zorrilla S, Doan T, Alfonso C, Margeat E, Ortega A, Rivas G, Aymerich S, Royer CA, Declerck N, Biophys J, 2007
Initial transcription by RNA polymerase proceeds through a DNA-scrunching mechanism
Kapanidis AN, Margeat E, Ho SO, Kortkhonjia E, Weiss S, Ebright RH, Science, 2006
Direct observation of abortive initiation and promoter escape within single immobilized transcription complexes
Margeat E, Kapanidis AN, Tinnefeld P, Wang Y, Mukhopadhyay J, Ebright RH, Weiss S, Biophys J, 2006
Carbocyanine dyes as efficient reversible single-molecule optical switch
Heilemann M, Margeat E, Kasper R, Sauer M, Tinnefeld P, J Am Chem Soc, 2005
Retention of transcription initiation factor sigma70 in transcription elongation: single-molecule analysis
Kapanidis AN, Margeat E, Laurence TA, Doose S, Ho SO, Mukhopadhyay J, Kortkhonjia E, Mekler V, Ebright RH, Weiss S, Mol Cell, 2005
Alternating-laser excitation of single molecules
Kapanidis AN, Laurence TA, Lee NK, Margeat E, Kong X, Weiss S, Acc Chem Res, 2005
The H-NS dimerization domain defines a new fold contributing to DNA recognition
Bloch V, Yang Y, Margeat E, Chavanieu A, Auge MT, Robert B, Arold S, Rimsky S, Kochoyan M, Nat Struct Biol, 2003
Ligands differentially modulate the protein interactions of the human estrogen receptors alpha and beta
Margeat E, Bourdoncle A, Margueron R, Poujol N, Cavailles V, Royer C, J Mol Biol, 2003
RAR Antagonists Diminish the Level of DNA Binding by the RAR/RXR Heterodimer
Poujol N, Margeat E, Baud S, Royer CA, Biochemistry, 2003
Equilibrium binding assays reveal the elevated stoichiometry and salt dependence of the interaction between full-length human sex-determining region on the Y chromosome (SRY) and DNA
Baud S, Margeat E, Lumbroso S, Paris F, Sultan C, Royer C, Poujol N, J Biol Chem, 2002
MabA (FabG1), a Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein involved in the long-chain fatty acid elongation system FAS-II
Marrakchi H, Ducasse S, Labesse G, Montrozier H, Margeat E, Emorine L, Charpentier X, Daffe M, Quemard A, Microbiology, 2002
Superoxide release by confluent endothelial cells, an electron spin resonance (ESR) study
Barbacanne MA, Margeat E, Arnal JF, Nepveu F, Souchard JP, J. Chim. Phys., 1999
Effect of ligand and DNA binding on the interaction between human transcription intermediary factor 1alpha and estrogen receptors
Thenot S, Bonnet S, Boulahtouf A, Margeat E, Royer CA, Borgna JL, Cavailles V, Mol Endocrinol, 1999
Visualization of trp repressor and its complexes with DNA by atomic force microscopy
Margeat E, Le Grimellec C, Royer CA, Biophys J, 1998
Electron spin resonance detection of extracellular superoxide anion released by cultured endothelial cells
Souchard JP, Barbacanne MA, Margeat E, Maret A, Nepveu F, Arnal JF, Free Radic Res, 1998