The NMR facility of the PIBBS platform has obtained a grant from the I-Site Programm for excellence of MUSE-Montpellier University, in order to install a recycling device for the helium used in the 600, 700 and 800 MHz NMR spectrometers.
The NMR facility of the PIBBS platform has obtained a grant from the I-Site Programm for excellence of MUSE-Montpellier University, in order to install a recycling device for the helium used in the 600, 700 and 800 MHz NMR spectrometers.
Aurélie Ancelin is recruited at the electronic microscopy facility of PIBBS. Aurélie got an assistant engineer position appointed by INSERM. She will share the technical responsibility of the EM microscopes together with Joséphine Lai-Kee-Him, INSERM Research Engineer.
The IBISA GIS has again awarded the IBSA label to the PIBBS platform. IBiSA, The scientific t group founded in 2007 by 8 partners, has a selective national policy of labeling and supporting biology, health and agronomy platforms. PIBBS gained its first IBISA label in 2008 and this award has been constantly confirmed ever since.
In autumn 2023, the Bio-imaging facility of the PIBBS platform has obtained a R&D grant from Biocampus ( in a tight collaboration with Chérine Béchara, researcher at the Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle (Granier-Mouillac team), to develop a FCS approach based on 3 fluorophores grafted on unnatural amino acids. This pilot project aims at establishing 3-color single molecule FRET measurements on a microscope of the PIBBS Optical microscopy facility. It will be used to monitor the correlation of conformational changes associated with the formation of S. aureus leukotoxin octameric pore.
The Bio-crystallography facility of the PIBBS platform has been awarded a funding for an UV-imaging device to monitor protein crystallization. UV images will allow visual scanning of crystal plates in a minimal amount of time.