Manouk Abkarian
Physique et mécanique des systèmes biologiques
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Liste des publications
Speech can produce jet-like transport relevant to asymptomatic spreading of virus
Abkarian M, Mendez S, Xue N, Yang F, Stone HA, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2020
High-Resolution Photonic Force Microscopy Based on Sharp Nanofabricated Tips
Desgarceaux R, Santybayeva Z, Battistella E, Nord AL, Braun-Breton C, Abkarian M, Marago OM, Charlot B, Pedaci F, Nano Lett, 2020
Flow-Induced Transitions of Red Blood Cell Shapes under Shear
Mauer J, Mendez S, Lanotte L, Nicoud F, Abkarian M, Gompper G, Fedosov DA, Phys Rev Lett, 2018
Sequential Membrane Rupture and Vesiculation during Plasmodium berghei Gametocyte Egress from the Red Blood Cell
Andreadaki M, Hanssen E, Deligianni E, Claudet C, Wengelnik K, Mollard V, McFadden GI, Abkarian M, Braun-Breton C, Siden-Kiamos I, Sci Rep, 2018
Blood rheological abnormalities in sickle cell anemia
Connes P, Renoux C, Romana M, Abkarian M, Joly P, Martin C, Hardy-Dessources MD, Ballas SK, Clin Hemorheol Microcirc, 2018
Role of red cells and plasma composition on blood sessile droplet evaporation
Lanotte L, Laux D, Charlot B, Abkarian M, Phys Rev E, 2017
Sinking a Granular Raft
Protiere S, Josserand C, Aristoff JM, Stone HA, Abkarian M, Phys Rev Lett, 2017
Red cells' dynamic morphologies govern blood shear thinning under microcirculatory flow conditions
Lanotte L, Mauer J, Mendez S, Fedosov DA, Fromental JM, Claveria V, Nicoud F, Gompper G, Abkarian M, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2016
Clusters of red blood cells in microcapillary flow: hydrodynamic versus macromolecule induced interaction
Claveria V, Aouane O, Thiebaud M, Abkarian M, Coupier G, Misbah C, John T, Wagner C, Soft Matter, 2016
The dynamics of interacting folds under biaxial compressive stresses
Shin H, Dixit AC, Stone HA, Abkarian M, Kim P, Soft Matter, 2016
Red Blood Cell Spectrin Skeleton in the Spotlight
Braun-Breton C, Abkarian M, Trends Parasitol, 2015
Dynamics of colloid accumulation under flow over porous obstacles
Robert de Saint Vincent M, Abkarian M, Tabuteau H, Soft Matter, 2015
A simple model to understand the effect of membrane shear elasticity and stress-free shape on the motion of red blood cells in shear flow
Dupire J, Abkarian M, Viallat A, Soft Matter, 2015
Microfluidic study of enhanced deposition of sickle cells at acute corners
Loiseau E, Massiera G, Mendez S, Martinez PA, Abkarian M, Biophys J, 2015
Red blood cell: from its mechanics to its motion in shear flow
Viallat A, Abkarian M, Int J Lab Hematol, 2014
Curling and rolling dynamics of naturally curved ribbons
Arriagada OA, Massiera G, Abkarian M, Soft Matter, 2014
Capillary force on a micrometric sphere trapped at a fluid interface exhibiting arbitrary curvature gradients
Blanc C, Fedorenko D, Gross M, In M, Abkarian M, Gharbi MA, Fournier JB, Galatola P, Nobili M, Phys Rev Lett, 2013
Gravity-induced encapsulation of liquids by destabilization of granular rafts
Abkarian M, Protiere S, Aristoff JM, Stone HA, Nat Commun, 2013
Hierarchical folding of elastic membranes under biaxial compressive stress
Kim P, Abkarian M, Stone HA, Nat Mater, 2011
Multiscale approach to link red blood cell dynamics, shear viscosity, and ATP release
Forsyth AM, Wan J, Owrutsky PD, Abkarian M, Stone HA, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2011
A novel mechanism for egress of malarial parasites from red blood cells
Abkarian M, Massiera G, Berry L, Roques M, Braun-Breton C, Blood, 2011
Dissolution arrest and stability of particle-covered bubbles
Abkarian M, Subramaniam AB, Kim SH, Larsen RJ, Yang SM, Stone HA, Phys Rev Lett, 2007
Swinging of red blood cells under shear flow
Abkarian M, Faivre M, Viallat A, Phys Rev Lett, 2007
Mechanics of interfacial composite materials
Subramaniam AB, Abkarian M, Mahadevan L, Stone HA, Langmuir, 2006
Microstructure, morphology, and lifetime of armored bubbles exposed to surfactants
Subramaniam AB, Mejean C, Abkarian M, Stone HA, Langmuir, 2006
Geometrical focusing of cells in a microfluidic device: an approach to separate blood plasma
Faivre M, Abkarian M, Bickraj K, Stone HA, Biorheology, 2006
Dynamics of viscous vesicles in shear flow
Mader MA, Vitkova V, Abkarian M, Viallat A, Podgorski T, Eur Phys J E Soft Matter, 2006
High-speed microfluidic differential manometer for cellular-scale hydrodynamics
Abkarian M, Faivre M, Stone HA, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2006
Colloid science: non-spherical bubbles
Subramaniam AB, Abkarian M, Mahadevan L, Stone HA, Nature, 2005
Microfluidic flow focusing: drop size and scaling in pressure versus flow-rate-driven pumping
Ward T, Faivre M, Abkarian M, Stone HA, Electrophoresis, 2005
Controlled assembly of jammed colloidal shells on fluid droplets
Subramaniam AB, Abkarian M, Stone HA, Nat Mater, 2005
Dynamics of vesicles in a wall-bounded shear flow
Abkarian M, Viallat A, Biophys J, 2005
Colloidal crystallization and banding in a cylindrical geometry
Abkarian M, Nunes J, Stone HA, J Am Chem Soc, 2004
Giant lipid vesicles filled with a gel: shape instability induced by osmotic shrinkage
Viallat A, Dalous J, Abkarian M, Biophys J, 2004