25th anniversary of the CBS (24-25 may 2018)



In 2018, the Center for Structural Biochemistry (CBS) celebrates its 25th anniversary!

Our laboratory has grown steadily since its creation in 1993 and is now counting nearly 90 researchers, engineers, technicians and students gathered in a joint research unit of the University of Montpellier, INSERM and CNRS. The research conducted at the CBS combines many techniques of Structural Biology and Biophysics allowing a multi-scale characterization of the structure and dynamics of molecular complexes involved in biological phenomena.

For its 25th anniversary, the CBS is organizing a half-day tribute to its former Director, Michel Kochoyan, followed by a day of presentations by internationally renowned scientists, collaborators and former CBS members, as well as flash presentations by post-doctorants and PhD students who will present their work in progress. This event will take place on the new site of the Faculty of Medicine Arnaud de Villeneuve, at the CBS where are planned visits of the laboratory and platforms.

Join us in Montpellier to celebrate this event by registering on http://25ans.cbs.cnrs.fr/registration.

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